Rassegna quotidiana di articoli di cronaca e di commento del fenomeno antisemita

17 Settembre 2014

Il nuovo odio della Germania


International New York Times

Germany’s new hatred Europe is living through a new wave of antisemitism. The president of Germany’s Central Council of Jews calls it the worst the Continent has seen since World War II. He may well be right. Attacks on synagogues … Leggi tutto

17 Settembre 2014

Italy opens anti-Semitism hotline


The Times of Israel – www.timesofisrael.com

Italy opens anti-Semitism hotline Call center is an experimental project meant to ‘deepen knowledge of anti-Jewish prejudice and hostility’ A hotline to report anti-Semitic incidents has been launched in Italy. Renzo Gattegna, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, … Leggi tutto

16 Settembre 2014

La Merkel affronta l’antisemitismo tedesco


The Wall Street Journal

Merkel Confronts German Anti-Semitism Angela Merkel spoke out Sunday against the spread of anti-Semitism in Germany. After a summer when protesters at rallies against Israel were heard chanting “Jews to the gas,” the Chancellor’s speech was a welcome affirmation of … Leggi tutto
ANTISEMITISMO:UCEI PROMUOVE ‘ANTENNA’PER DENUNCIARE EPISODI Gattegna lancia iniziativa,e’ una sorta di numero verde (ANSA) – ROMA, 16 SET – Una ‘Antenna antisemitismo’ per raccogliere testimonianze e denunce di episodi di violenza, intimidazione o discriminazione. E’ l’iniziativa – una sorta di … Leggi tutto
Italy‘s top Jewish council creates anti-Semitism hotline Renzo Gattegna, President of the Italian Jewish Communities, announces foundation of ‘Anti-Semitism Antenna,’ aimed at helping both Italian victims and witnesses of anti-Semitic incidents. Italy’s highest-ranking Jewish official announced Monday the creation of … Leggi tutto