Rassegna quotidiana di articoli di cronaca e di commento del fenomeno antisemita

17 Settembre 2014

Italy opens anti-Semitism hotline


The Times of Israel – www.timesofisrael.com

Italy opens anti-Semitism hotline Call center is an experimental project meant to ‘deepen knowledge of anti-Jewish prejudice and hostility’ A hotline to report anti-Semitic incidents has been launched in Italy. Renzo Gattegna, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, … Leggi tutto

16 Settembre 2014

La Merkel affronta l’antisemitismo tedesco


The Wall Street Journal

Merkel Confronts German Anti-Semitism Angela Merkel spoke out Sunday against the spread of anti-Semitism in Germany. After a summer when protesters at rallies against Israel were heard chanting “Jews to the gas,” the Chancellor’s speech was a welcome affirmation of … Leggi tutto
ANTISEMITISMO:UCEI PROMUOVE ‘ANTENNA’PER DENUNCIARE EPISODI Gattegna lancia iniziativa,e’ una sorta di numero verde (ANSA) – ROMA, 16 SET – Una ‘Antenna antisemitismo’ per raccogliere testimonianze e denunce di episodi di violenza, intimidazione o discriminazione. E’ l’iniziativa – una sorta di … Leggi tutto
Italy‘s top Jewish council creates anti-Semitism hotline Renzo Gattegna, President of the Italian Jewish Communities, announces foundation of ‘Anti-Semitism Antenna,’ aimed at helping both Italian victims and witnesses of anti-Semitic incidents. Italy’s highest-ranking Jewish official announced Monday the creation of … Leggi tutto