Rassegna quotidiana di articoli di cronaca e di commento del fenomeno antisemita

The Albanian parliament has endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, making the country one of the first Muslim-majority countries to adopt the definition. The IHRA, an intergovernmental organization with 34 member countries, established an international consensus … Leggi tutto
Sporcate le pietre d’inciampo del D’Azeglio Volantini di destra accanto alle targhe dei due studenti ebrei morti nei Lager. L’organizzazione Aliud (Fratelli d’Italia) prende le distanze Una brutta scoperta davvero, quella che hanno fatto studenti e professori arrivati al liceo … Leggi tutto
Twitter, Like Facebook, to Remove Posts Denying the Holocaust Twitter Inc. will remove posts that deny the Holocaust for violating its hateful conduct policy, according to a company spokeswoman. Twitter’s policy doesn’t explicitly state that denying violent events is against … Leggi tutto