9 Maggio 2006

Una rassegna critica dell’antisemitismo nel mondo musulmano


Die Welt des Islams 46, 3


Gudrun Kramer

Antisemitism in the Muslim world. A critical review

Abstract: Current debates on anti-Semitism in the Muslim world, or as it is often put, ‘in Islam’ focus on a number of issues: the status of Jews in Islam with regard to both theory and practice; the impact of the Arab-Israeli conflict over Palestine; the adoption and adaptation of anti-Semitic motifs and stereotypes of European origin in nationalist and Islamist discourses; and the politics of memory and commemoration. Here as elsewhere, contextualization is required if we are to understand the meanings and functions of anti-Semitic attitudes and activities among specific audiences. But contextualization must not be used for apologetic purposes.