TikTok: an Overview of Hate
TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms, with a young demographic that reaches one billion active users monthly. This latest Simon Wiesenthal Center report highlights how hateful and extremist material is proliferated and how TikTok’s algorithm pushes users towards more extremist content.
While growing at a much faster pace than Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, TikTok grapples with the same challenges of dealing with the exploitation of their platform by extremists and nefarious actors. These users promote hateful and harmful content while evading the safety parameters put in place to stop the spread of bigotry, anti-Semitism and hate.
After monitoring TikTok for an extensive period of time, Simon Wiesenthal Center researchers conclude with three critical recommendations on what needs to be done to mitigate this growing problem at TikTok while at the same time, continuing to advocate for educational programs for young people to build media literacy and resilience as a long-term strategy.