10 Luglio 2015

Nuovo rapporto della European Commission against Racism and Intolerance – ECRI


European Commission against Racism and Intolerance - ECRI

Annual Report on Ecri’s Activities

Secondo il rapporto annuale “Annual Report on Ecri’s Activities” della Ecri, la Commissione europea contro razzismo ed intolleranza del Consiglio d’Europa, l’antisemitismo, l’islamofobia e l’odio razziale sarebbero aumentati drammaticamente nel 2014 in Europa.

Da Annual Report on Ecri’s Activities, pg 10/11


Insults and physical attacks on Jewish persons and institutions have increased dramatically. In some countries the number of antisemitic attacks more than doubled in 2014 compared to the previous year. Attempts to rehabilitate or trivialise World War II collaborationist regimes and their actions, paired with revived sympathies for the extreme right, have been noticed in some countries. As a result, there is a growing trend of denying, or avoiding discussing publicly, occupation governments’ complicity in the machinery of the Holocaust.  In many countries, growing antisemitic trends have been observed among Muslim immigrant communities, in particular the younger generation. Tensions rise in the wake of any renewed violence in the Middle East conflict and lead to sweeping generalisations against all Jews. During the 2014 Gaza operation, a surge of antisemitic hatred was witnessed across many European countries. In the ensuing public discourse, insufficient emphasis was placed on the need to distinguish between criticism of the actions of Israel – to the extent that the latter is held to the same standards as any other state – and the public expression of racism and hatred of Jewish people in general. In several countries, violent anti-Semitic attacks were carried out. Extra security was provided to Jewish institutions, but this could not prevent all acts of violence. Besides security, other measures such as inter-religious solidarity are needed to address the hatred.